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Friday, April 8, 2011

Questions and Answers to etiquette and Manners whilst dining.

Table Manners

Q. Is it considered rude to take a sip of your drink while still chewing?
Q. What is the correct position for a coffee cup in a formal place setting?
Q. After the completion of a formal dinner, where do you place your utensils?
Q. How should I fold a large napkin before placing it in my lap?
Q. Is it proper for a woman to apply lipstick at the table after a meal?
Q. When should the host/hostess of a dinner party be served?
Q. At a formal dinner party, how do I properly serve and remove the dishes and glasses?
Q. When dining at a fine restaurant should you eat different types of food on your plate individually or eat all the food groups together?
Q. When eating meat, should you cut one piece, put your knife down, then eat the piece, or should you cut all of your meat up first, and then eat the meat?
Q. What direction should food be passed at the table?
Q. Is it wrong to stand when a lady excuses herself from the table? What is the proper etiquette when the woman excuses herself and returns?
Q. Should you dismiss yourself from the table if you need to sneeze or blow your nose?
Q. When dining out, is it okay to share your food with the others at the table for tasting purposes?
Q. Where do I place my napkin when briefly excusing myself during the meal?
Q. Who pays the bill when dining out?
Q. When do I use the salad fork?
Q. What is the correct way to butter bread or a roll?
Q. Which side of the guest should I pour wine from at the dinner table?
Q. When should charger plates be removed from the dinner table?
Q. What is the correct way to serve yourself a portion of brie cheese? Do you just cut a piece from the soft part or try to cut off a portion including the hard skin?
Q. When you have some food in your mouth that you don’t want to swallow, what should you do?
Q. Where do I place the finger bowl after cleansing my fingers?
Q. Where are the dessert utensils placed in a formal table setting?
Q. What do you do when the salad has big pieces of lettuce? Can you cut them with your knife?
Q. Should a child stand or sit while the adults are being seated at the dining table?
Q. Where should I put my napkin at the completion of the meal?
Q. In a family setting, which direction should food be passed for serving?
Q. What should you do if you spill a beverage on yourself while dining?
Q. When a fellow diner asks to "please pass the salt,” is it standard etiquette to pass both the salt and the pepper?

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