The Palm-Down Thrust is reminiscent of the Nazi salute and is the most aggressive of all handshakes because it gives the receiver little chance of establishing an equal relationship.
This handshake is typical of the overbearing, dominant person who always initiates it, and their stiff arm with palm facing downwards forces the receiver into the submissive position.If you feel someone is giving a Palm-Down Thrust to you on purpose, here are several counters to it:
The Hand-on-Top Technique-When a power player presents you with a Palm-Down Thrust, respond with your hand in the Palm-Up position then put your left hand over his or hers right to form a Double-Hander and straighten the handshake.
This switches the power from him to you and is a much simpler way of dealing with the situation, and is much easier for women to use. If you feel the power player is purposefully trying to intimidate, and he / she does it regularly, grasp his or her hand on top and then shake it (as below).
This can shock a power player so you need to be selective when using it and do it only as a last resort.
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