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Friday, April 8, 2011

How to write a Business Thank you Letter

How To Write A Business Thank You Letter

Learn how to write a business thank you letter to show your appreciation to new customers, venders, or business associates. It an effective business tool when written sincerely. However, unlike a personal note, a business thank you letter should be more formal. Think of the image you want to project for yourself and your company before you begin.
  1. Structure it as a typical business letter. It should be typed on business letterhead. The address, salutation, date and body of the letter should be lined up on the left side of the page. Do not use indentations in the paragraphs. They should also line up on the left side of the page. Each line should be single spaced with double spaces between each paragraph.
  2. Address the business thank you letter to a specific person. Use an informal greeting (“Dear Joe”) if you are on familiar terms with the person.  Use their formal name and business title if you are not.
  3. Address the letter to one person. If it is for a company or an organisation address it to the person in charge or the group spokesperson. Name the group in the letter and ask this person to pass on your appreciation to the rest.
  4. Keep the body of the business letter as brief as possible. Make it clear in the introductory that this is a thank you letter. Note a specific event or situation and you may need to remind them of who you are if they are unfamiliar with you. Use professional language with a tone of friendliness. A typed business thank you letter should not be more then one page. Use clear and concise language with short sentences and simple words.
  5. Close the thank you letter with your formal name and title on the signature line. If you are familiar with the person, hand sign your first name.  If not, sign your full name.
  6. Decide if it is appropriate to enclose a business card. If you are thanking a customer or prospect, it is always a good idea. If you are thanking a co-worker then it is unnecessary.
  7. Check and double check spelling and grammar.  Be especially careful with the names of an organization or people involved.
  •  Send as soon as possible, a delayed thank you will seem as if it was an obligation and not sincere.

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