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Monday, May 16, 2011

Etiquette in Resume Tips.

Resume Tips

Tailor your resume to the job

Target your resume or cover letter to the position you are applying for. Look at your resume before you hit the send button. Emailing resumes can often be a trap and a waste of time. It is so easy to hit the send button and send off a whole heap of job applications, just to get no-where. The reason often is that your resume does not relate or highlight your skills in relation to the job you are applying for. We receive many applications for positions and in the resume or cover letter the candidate is highlighting their skills and interest in a completely different position.

Relevant Information

Make sure that your resume contains information that relates to the position you are applying for. This information should be contained in the first page. Look at the ad that you are applying for and highlight the key requirements in the job. Make sure these requirements if you have them, are detailed and included in the first page of your resume.

Important Information First

Summarise your work history on page 1 so that you can detail current and relevant experience immediately when the document opens up. Often job seekers list important information at the very end of their resume or their current job at the end of the resume. Look at what is most important and most impressive about you and make sure that comes first.

Make it concise - no bulky documents

Do not send large documents with copious words that will never be read. Make your resume concise and to the point.


What does this say about you?

  • Look at your email address - what does that say about you? For example doespartygirl@hotmail.com.... sound like a professional email address?
  • Listen to your voicemail message on your mobile phone. How do you sound, how does that reflect in your application when someone calls you back and has to leave a message?
  • Check your resume for spelling and grammatical errors
  • check that all your details are current and correct
  • If you are including a photo of yourself with your resume, have a look at the photo, does it correctly reflect the position you are applying for? Is it professional enough? If in doubt, leave it off or produce a more appropriate photo. 

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